Recette : soupe de betteraves

5 beetroots (cooked)
1 big chopped onion
1 big peeled potato
1 liter chicken stock
Salt, pepper
Olive oil
Heat stock and bring to a boil then put it aside. Peel the beetroots and potato, and cut into big chunks. Chop the onion too.
Heat 3 tbsp olive oil in a large cooking pot then add the bacon and the onion once the bacon is slightly cooked. When the onion turns a little yellow, add the beetroots and the potato. Add salt and pepper. Pour the chicken stock over it. Cover and let it all cook for at least 20 min on medium heat.
Once cooked, blend everything together and serve in bowls. You can add a teaspoon of crème fraîche or a poached egg in each bowl.