fleur table estivale

French country living

Learn how to set a French vintage autumn table by following those easy steps. Bring the nature in, as well as a bit of French style.
Autumn is the perfect time to host a cozy fall tea party in the French countryside. Set a lovely table by the fire and enjoy a delicious goûter.
Recréez ce joli bouquet champêtre mettant en valeur les dahlias du jardin dans un style authentique et vintage. Un bouquet ravissant à poser sur une table de cuisine à la campagne.
Utilisez les codes festifs de la cette saison que nous aimons tant pour dresser une belle table de Noël traditionnelle et rustique.
Enchantez votre intérieur à Noël avec cette table de fêtes ayant pour thème Un Conte de Noël. Puisez dans votre imaginaire et laissez la magie vous emporter...
Avec la fin de l'été, les dahlias nous enchantent encore au jardin. Alors profitons-en pour dresser une jolie table de caractère avec des dahlias.
L'été touche à sa fin mais nous permet encore de profiter des magnifiques dahlias. Découvrez comment réaliser une fastueuse couronne de dahlias.
Be inspired by this tutorial about how to make a beautiful and rustic autumn wreath and enjoy autumn foliage at home during this gorgeous season.
Sometimes I feel like a grandmother. While my friends like enjoying Parisian life on the weekend, I prefer spending time in the French countryside and visiting wonderful Plant and Flower shows. Like Saint-Jean de Beauregard.
Inspirons-nous de l'Italie pour dresser une table al fresco. Jouez avec les fruits et légumes pour un décor délicieux et impressionnez vos invités.
How to celebrate the end of the Summer season with a chic French country table.
Roses from the garden were my inspiration for this romantic and bucolic tablescape. Learn in this post how to do set this table.
Discover one of my favourite French castles.
Bring poetry inside your home with this charming and bucolic tablescape inspired by French country living. An ode to Nature enhancing French art de la table.
When you mention Marie-Antoinette, it instantly brings an aura of French romantism which is the theme of this floral arrangement.
It looks like Spring is in the air. Flowers are blossoming, the weather is warmer and birds are making their nest. It is the perfect time for an ode to nature.

Un romantique dîner français Just before being confined in Paris, we spent our last weekend in the countryside as usual. Little did we know, we would not be allowed to come back! When I think of the potager and all the plants we bought and planted… On this beautiful last weekend we were enjoying the […]

A flower arrangement workshop at a chic French flowershop. A beautiful experience with one of the best Parisian florists.